1337 5p34K 8i813



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1: nøw N The f!®s+ ye4r 0f ©¥®µZ K¡n' Of pE®§¡4, +h@+ ThE WØrD Of 7#E 1OrD b¥ the moUth øF jereM!@H mi9#T 8 Fµ1Fi1£ed, +HE £Ord $+!®®'Ð uP 7HE §pI®¡t oF (yrUZ KiÑ' 0F pE®S!a, THa+ #e MaDe A Pro©£@m@7¡On tH®Øµ9HصT A1£ hiz k¡NgÐ0M, AnÐ pµ7 It 4lSo n WrIT!ng, S@YiNg,
2: ThuZ §4iTH ¢¥®UZ k!Ñ' ØF PE®§¡a, +He lord 9OD øf hea\/eN H47H g¡\/En ME al£ +hE K¡ÑGÐømz OF the Ea®+h; aÑD HE #a7h (har9'D Me 2 8µ¡lÐ #iM @Ñ hØU$e A+ Je®uS4£em, w#¡©h Iz Ñ JUd4h.
3: WHo !z 7#erE AmøNG u Øf 411 hiz PEOPle? #!z gØD ß w/ #¡M, @NÐ lEt #¡m 9o up 2 jE®µ$4£EM, w#i¢H ¡z Ñ JµD4#, aÑÐ bU¡1D 7HE #øu§e ØF +hE 1ord g0d 0F isrAe£, (he !Z 7He GØd,) wH¡C# ¡z n Je®u$4lEM.
4: AÑÐ W#0Soev'r rEma!ne+H N aNy PlACe wHe®E He §øjOurÑETh, 1E+ T#E meÑ Of H!z p1a©e hE1P H!m W/ $!1ver, @NÐ w/ GO1Ð, @ND W/ g00d§, 4Ñd W/ Be@S+s, ßES¡DE 7He f®EEW¡£1 OfFerin' fØ® +he HøU§e Of GOd +#at ¡z Ñ jErU§a1EM.
5: 7hEÑ ®O$e µp +He (#ief 0F 7#E fAtHE®Z øF Jud4h AÑD BENJ@M¡n, 4Nd THE p®IE§t$, aÑD tHe £e\/ItE§, w/ 4£l 7#em w#0$E $p!ri7 GØd #AÐ r4ISeÐ, 2 go µp 2 8µi£Ð 7HE hoUSe 0f thE £ø®D wH!(H ¡Z Ñ jerU$A£EM.
6: @nD a£1 7he¥ +#@t we®e @bøu+ t#Em s7renG7HEÑ'Ð +heIr #aÑDZ w/ vEs$E1z 0f S!1\/E®, w/ GOlÐ, W/ G00D$, ANd w/ bEASt$, 4nD w/ P®e(¡øUZ thiNGs, 8E$iDE a1£ tH4t wUZ W!11ING£Y ØFfErEd.
7: 4l§Ø Cyrµz +hE kiN' b®0ughT fortH 7#E vESse£Z 0F tHe h0u§e 0F +#e £ø®D, w#¡©h nE8µ¢#AÐneZza® H@d b®oug#7 Før+# øUt øF jE®u$AlEM, aÑD HAD pU7 THEM N the høµ$E OF h!Z 90Ðs;
8: eveÑ +HOse d!D (Yrµz k¡n' oF pe®s¡A 8r!n' fo®Th ߥ thE #4ÑD øf m!t#rEd4tH tHe T®E@su®E®, 4NÐ NumBer'D +hEm Un7o $heshbazZ4r, 7HE pr!Ñ(e OF jUd@H.
9: ANÐ Th!Z !z the nµmB'® ØF tHEm: +HI®+Y ©#4®9ErZ of 9Ø£D, 4 7høUSaÑD ch4rgE®Z 0f SIlve®, n¡ne AnD +WEnt¥ kÑiveS,
10: 7HIr+¥ 8a$øÑz 0f 9old, $Il\/'® bAs0nz 0f A §E(ØnÐ Sør7 f0U® #µÑЮ'd aND TEN, @nD ot#'r \/esSE1Z 4 +HØUSaNd.
11: A£l THe vEsse£z Øf 9أР@ÑÐ oF s¡1\/'r wE®e F!vE +h0u§aND 4NÐ Fص® hµÑdrEd. 4££ +#e$E D!Ð SHE$hB@zZa® brin' Up w/ 7#Em øF +#e caPT¡\/I+Y +h4T we®e ßrOu9H7 µP Fr0M ß48¥1Øn µN+Ø jErµ$a£eM.

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